Kinesthetic Edge

Improve how you move!

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Shifting the Healing Paradigm from Pain Management to Self-Awareness

THINKAndrea HigginsComment

We have a serious problem in this country. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse writes that, "an estimated 52 million people (20 percent of those aged 12 and older) have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons at least once in their lifetimes." More troubling is the mindset associated with this alarming trend. Volkow attributes this to:


"a consumer culture amenable to "taking a pill for what ails you" and the perception of prescription drugs as less harmful than illicit drugs...." 


How sad that so many see medication as the first line of defense, given that built into our neurophysiology is the capacity to engage the natural healing processes of the body and mind, and bring about remarkable physical, emotional, and cognitive healing...

Embodied in Taiko

MOVEAndrea Higgins1 Comment
In unison, the drummers place their sticks on the drums in front of them. Almost imperceptibly, a light tapping begins, rapid fire Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke. The motion of hands alternating right- left, right- left soon becomes visible. The sound grows heavier and fuller. Lightly tapping hands quickly become pounding arms. The drummers push their sticks down toward the center of the drums. Hitting the rim and drum simultaneously, they drive the sound to an ear-splitting crescendo TA- KA- TA- KA- TA- KA- TA- KA. Their flailing arms become a blur of vertical lines framed by their rigid bodies....Just as quickly, sound and movement recede to nearly imperceptible once more Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke- Te- Ke....until the lead drummer slices through the din DON- DON- DON- DON. Silence. Drummers freeze. Echoes fade. Hair stands on end.

Shawn Bender, "Taiko Boom"